Eat 2 Run Recipe Book
My Eat 2 Run digital recipe book contains over 135 original recipes. Each is labeled as carb-rich (for before/after exercise, carb-loading and carb-rich meal plans) or low-carb, high-fat (for those who are working to become more metabolically efficient / be better fat-burners). Many recipes also include macronutrient information per serving (I’m not a fan of calorie counting, but knowing how many carbs per serving is invaluable to the runner).
Find out more in the full description below and check out snippets from the book.
After 7 years of developing and compiling my original recipes, I now have a digital recipe book full of over 135 recipes (most with pictures) that I use exclusively when building all client menus and meal plans. As well, I personally use these recipes daily. I’ve designed these recipes to be extremely flexible, offering options for vegetarian versus omnivore as well as dairy free or nut free options for most recipes (the entire book is gluten free, utilizing oats in place of traditional flours).
My latest updates to the book include clearly outlining for each recipe whether it’s “low carb, high fat” (ideal for fat-loading, or for eating to become more metabolically efficient) or if it’s carb rich (ideal for carb-loading or for pre-workout, during workouts or post-workout, as well as for metabolically efficient athletes in general).
I also list how many grams of carbohydrate, protein and fat per serving are in many recipes (sections: beverages, breakfasts, and snacks, as well as performance nutrition). While I am not a fan of calorie counting, there is a need to ensure a balance of certain macronutrients particularly when ‘fat-loading’ or carb loading.
All pages are hyperlinked, for ease of quickly getting to the recipe you want.
(For those wondering if I will have any more hard copy recipe books printed and available for sale in the future – no, unfortunately that is not currently in the plans.)
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