Praise for Sarah
Katie O.
I began working with Sarah earlier in 2020 as I had just signed up for my 1st 100 miler. After reading all I could get my hands on regarding the distance, I was shocked to learn that nutrition is the number one reason runners DNF a 100. I figured the nutrition component was something I could control, so I was eager to learn all I could from Sarah. The second I had my first call with her I knew Read More
October 8, 2020
Chaminda J.
I have followed Sarah and Eat 2 Run since 2016 and I knew in 2017, when I had a chance to attend one of her workshops and to meet her in person, that if ever I was able to work with a coach, it would be her! I finally got the chance to hire her (for both run coaching and nutrition) this past fall. Although I’ve been running for a little over 5 years now, Read More
October 21, 2019
Tracy R.
UPDATE: October 13, 2019 – I just ran another PB in the half marathon!! 1:45:03. Okay, it was a 5 second PB, but I’m in the middle of hard core marathon training right now, so I’ll take it! I felt really good, loved the rolling hills (in the Victoria Half marathon course) and I beat my dad (although only by 2 minutes lol). The best part is I recovered almost immediately, legs feel good and am Read More
October 13, 2019
Megan N.
UPDATE: October 6, 2019 – After nearly 2 years of working with Sarah then continuing to follow her advice, I just ran a new PR in the marathon of 4:16 – that’s a new PR by 14 minutes!!! I’m so pumped. Plus I just finished the North Face trail marathon 22 days ago. Not bad for my 4th marathon this year along 🙂 — Working with Sarah has changed my life. Her coaching is not Read More
October 6, 2019
Alison K.
Initially I wasn’t sure what impact having coaching would have on my running but I am so glad that I signed up to work with Sarah! Through working with her in a nutritional capacity, I noticed an increase in my energy levels plus I definitely found that I recovered faster after long runs as well as races. I liked having guidance and suggestions about which foods would best fuel my running, and a clear plan to Read More
September 30, 2019
Mark N.
I was a little hesitant to hire Sarah at first as I thought my nutrition was pretty good, maybe only needing a few small tweaks to get where I wanted to be. I just wasn’t sure If I was ready to take next step by having a nutritionist look at my diet and make the changes necessary. However, the changes I have seen have been nothing short of life changing. I am no longer wondering Read More
September 25, 2019
Christine P.
Initially I wasn’t sure I wanted to spend the money on hiring Sarah as I thought I was eating fairly healthy already. But I’m sure glad I did because boy was I wrong! Sarah came up with an easy daily menu for me which I could easily incorporate into my life. My family also loves some of the recipes therefore I don’t have to cook separate meals. I feel so much better! Additionally, my husband’s Read More
June 19, 2019
Nicola G.
Admittedly if you had asked me earlier this year if I would be seeing a RHN the answer would likely have been no. By my own admission of semi-ignorance, I’m a scientist and so I need evidence based research! Surely there was no place in my life for this stuff? I am so glad I took a leap of faith and have no problem in saying I was wrong to be hesitant simply because I Read More
January 10, 2019
Kaydee G.
I was initially a bit worried about all of the prep time and having to make my own stuff from scratch if I hired Sarah. Not that I am a lazy person, but I never enjoyed cooking and was awful at it… Yet after working with Sarah and using her recipes, I actually enjoy cooking and food prep. And with all of the practice I have actually gotten pretty decent at cooking! I never thought Read More
December 10, 2018
Victoria M.
Since the first time I worked with Sarah (2014), I’ve returned numerous times over the years for additional help in a number of areas (various races I was training for, gut issues I had and are now behind me). However earlier this year I approached her with a request I wasn’t sure she’d take on – which was to help me regain my fertility. I had a miscarriage after my firstborn, and was not having Read More
November 25, 2018
James S.
Having wanted to establish a long-term healthy eating plan for some time now, over the last couple of years I tried a couple of lifestyle changes. First, I was on mainly a vegetarian diet for about 8 months and it was going ok until my workouts where getting more intensive and I was getting more fatigued after each workout. After seeing the doctor, I was told I was getting anemic. So my doctor suggested a Read More
November 23, 2018
Varley T.
Thanks to Sarah’s guidance, I feel like a new person! Having suffered GI issues for 18 months and gone down a very traditional route of family physician, dietician and gastroenterologist (all without success and with only a vague diagnosis of IBS), I finally “treated” myself to Sarah’s coaching. My only regret was that I didn’t go to Sarah first! In a matter of weeks my GI issues had improved so greatly that I was finally Read More
October 30, 2018
Tomas N.
When I first thought about hiring Sarah, I hesitated as I wasn’t sure if I will be able to follow a plan. I thought I would have to start counting calories and macros – but that’s not what Sarah makes you do at all. The plan she made for me took my needs into account (without me needing to do any counting) and proved to be very easy to follow. Since putting my plan from Read More
October 12, 2018
Karen B.
Hiring Sarah was pure magic – best investment I’ve ever made in myself. Being a nutrition coach myself, I initially hesitated before coming to terms with hiring someone who was technically a competitor in the area. It was hard to admit that I needed help – and very humbling! But I soon realized that even coaches need coaches and Sarah’s education and experience was EXACTLY what I needed. Working with Sarah brought on more changes Read More
July 20, 2018
Sarah L.
I finally qualified for Boston!! And not just by a few minutes. I managed to take over 10 minutes off my previous PR, achieve a sub 3:30 marathon and BQ by 10 minutes and 7 seconds. And I know it was the nutrition that honestly made all the difference this round. Originally I wasn’t sure I needed a nutritionist because I thought I knew a lot already – for years I’ve loved to read and Read More
June 18, 2018
Jen S.
Initially I wasn’t sure if working with Sarah would be worth the money – but what I didn’t realize at the time is that this would be an investment towards developing a way of eating I’ll continue for the rest of my life! This was definitely not just another fad diet – working with Sarah gave me a life-time meal plan that I know I can sustain long term. I was also worried about having to Read More
June 5, 2018
Clara A.
After signing up for my first ever marathon, I knew that I needed help to get me there — which is why when I found Eat 2 Run, it felt like a great fit. I had never before trained for a marathon, and I had never focused on nutrition to support my running before so I didn’t know what to expect. So I just put all my faith in Sarah and her work, and I’m Read More
April 30, 2018
Danny B.
Running. Road biking. Mountain biking. Hiking. Spinning. Skiing. Strength training. These are the things I do and do often. Some times two in one day. Sometimes the Seawheeze Half Marathon one day and the Cypress Challenge the next – as in this past weekend. I felt strong, recovered quickly and could do it all again. Just a few short months ago this would not have been impossible. I was suffering from over-training, anemia, fatigue, weight Read More
March 28, 2018
Katie C.
When I first sought Sarah out for nutritional coaching, I honestly wasn’t sure anyone would actually be able to help me attain my goals of taming my sweet tooth (kicking my sugar addiction) and overcoming really bothersome stomach troubles, which had gotten so bad they were affecting me not only during exercise but throughout the day as well. Therefore I wasn’t sure it would be worth the investment as I really didn’t know if it would Read More
January 7, 2018
Shelley O.
I wasn’t sure working with Sarah would be worth the cost, but had I known all the great results that working with was going to give me, I know now that I wouldn’t have hesitated! I’ve noticed so many improvements in so many areas – for example, my energy is higher and more stable. My mind is sharper, better memory, improved mood. I heal faster. While I’m still dealing with my gut issues they are no Read More
January 6, 2018
Crystal A.
In only one month, I have way less pain than I had before and my body is lot stronger. I’m able to hike again, which is great because one of the main reasons I decided to work with Sarah was because I wanted to overcome my injuries (ankle, calf and knee issues). I also wanted to recover faster after hikes. I can now hike much longer – I’ve been doing 2 to 5 hour hikes Read More
June 8, 2017
Leslie L.
Sarah basically changed my running life, I am so grateful for her nutrition guidance! Within only 2 months of working with her, I finally was able to feel satiated on a daily basis, finally felt like I had good energy beyond the 10 mile mark (plus had this newfound great energy in general!), and finally ran my first sub-4 hour marathon – in fact, well below 4 hours (3:42:45!!). On top of all this I’m healthier than I’ve ever been Read More
November 13, 2016
Rebecca K.
Initially I was worried that if I worked with Sarah, her plan for me might focus on taking lots of supplements, pills and herbal remedies. I need not have worried – she very much puts the focus on whole, real foods, which I really appreciated. Once I started working with Sarah I quickly felt more energetic and rested. In fact, my energy has increased during my clinic group runs as well as on my recovery Read More
September 14, 2016
Sandra H.
I first met Sarah at my run club and then attended her Eat 2 Run workshop. After hearing her speak those couple times, it was evident she was super knowledgeable and so I didn’t have any hesitations about purchasing her nutrition coaching. I was just really excited to take all the information I learned at the workshop and have it personalized! I knew 1:1 coaching would be the perfect way to accomplish this. Over my time working with Sarah I Read More
September 12, 2016
Alanna G.
After following Sarah’s plan I finally reached my goal of qualifying for the Boston marathon in a time of 3:33:28 and almost a 5 minute PB! You see, back in 2012 (a little over four years ago) I ran my first marathon in 4:15:13. The next few years were riddled with injuries; rib fractures, muscle contusions, concussions and a torn hip flexor (I’m also an avid mountain biker) and although I was still running consistently Read More
September 7, 2016
Liisa R.
Since I started working with Sarah I feel like I have a much clearer sense of which foods to eat at which times and I understand how my body uses fuel. I’ve done a lot of self study on nutrition but Sarah really helped me understand what would really fuel me pre-run and most importantly, what would really assist with recovery and inflammation after runs. Sarah really understands the science of what a recovering body Read More
June 29, 2016
Jill F.
I’d been struggling with low energy for over a year and even though I’d heard great things about Sarah, I was concerned that she’d offer a standard program full of time consuming meal preparation that I wouldn’t stick with. Besides, I thought I ate really well so I didn’t think nutrition was the problem. Then about seven weeks away from a marathon I was training for, I really crashed. I was putting in the workouts Read More
June 15, 2016
Michelle & Tom D.
When I was about eight months into my running journey, and training for my first half-marahton, I began to feel like I was missing a big piece of the picture – the nutrition side. I was “rungry”all the time and kept reaching for the baked pretzels as my go-to snack! I wasn’t sure what to eat before the long runs, what to eat afterwards, or even what a good nutrition plan for a runner looked Read More
May 24, 2016
Heather T.
I had no hesitation in purchasing Sarah’s nutrition coaching as I knew nutrition would play a big role in doing a marathon. I benefited the most from her services in the fact that I learnt what my body reacts to – I learned a lot about nutrition and supplements. I achieved my goal of finishing my first marathon… While not in the time I wanted (because of injuries that held me back), but I certainly had the energy I needed on Read More
May 20, 2016
Mary M.
I first met Sarah at a talk she gave at my running clinic and was immediately very interested in her nutrition coaching. However, aside from the substantial financial commitment, I wasn’t sure I would be able to stick to things enough to make it worth it. I need not have worried! I feel like I’ve benefitted immensely from Sarah’s nutrition coaching. I’ve learned so much about eating better and cooking. I particularly liked that the recipes Read More
April 23, 2016
Rob W.
After working briefly with Sarah, basically I just have more energy overall, a clear head and fresh feeling body. Fueling the body the proper way can work wonders. I’m only 2 weeks into my new routine, but I already can feel the lightness and freshness in the way I feel throughout the day. In particular, I really like the green smoothie – I was even inspired to buy a super blender in order to make them Read More
March 23, 2016
Eric S.
When I began working with Sarah I had hoped I would learn how to improve my nutritional habits, run stronger and recover faster, and reach my ‘racing weight’. It didn’t take long to start seeing improvements in all these areas! Pretty much from the moment I began working with Sarah and began implementing her advice, I began noticing improvements in my performance, health and weight. Upon following her fueling plan during my longest training run Read More
March 19, 2016
Amy H.
“I thought I ate healthily before I started working with Sarah, and boy did I get a shock – I had a lot to learn! Working with Sarah is brilliant – her nutrition plan is practical and delicious and her recipes are still my go-to place for healthy cooking inspiration. Her training plan for me significantly reduced my recovery time from long runs and allowed me to have consistency in my training. Last year I attempted Read More
February 26, 2016
Karen H.
I began working with Sarah as I ramped up my training for my 100-mile ultra. In the past, I’ve done diet programs that where so restrictive and repetitive in regards to food choices that I quickly rebounded and fell completely off the wagon after the program was complete. Plus they weren’t geared towards running. So I was a bit hesitant to take the plunge a third time! Cost was initially a factor for me too. However, the Read More
February 23, 2016
Ally G.
When I first started my Eat 2 Run plan, I immediately noticed my energy levels increase. I first noticed when I woke in the morning I wasn’t as tired… Before starting the plan, I would sometimes sleep 9 hours and still feel exhausted. Now, my body automatically wakes up, even before my alarm, feeling alert and ready to go! In regards to running, about three weeks after I started the Eat 2 Run plan, I Read More
February 19, 2016
Robin G.
Since working with Sarah and switching up my previous eating habits for “eat2run” ones, I’ve noticed I have more endurance in my long runs. Somehow now I often myself leading the pace with my run group! I feel an energetic lift… I feel good. Although I was a little hesitant with the idea of online coaching, I realized the constant communication via email as well as the telephone check-in meetings with Sarah worked well – in fact I Read More
February 19, 2016
Jennifer B.
I contacted Sarah in July as I was feeling exhausted and my running was suffering. I have run many marathons, and my body typically loves the long-runs, but I was having to stop several kilometres into my run due to being so tired. I had fallen into some bad habits with my diet: lots of treats in the form of baked goods and ice cream. I figured the running would burn off the extra calories. Sarah taught me about the negative Read More
February 19, 2016
Tracy K.
When I first considered hiring Sarah, I was initially concerned that the plan wouldn’t be individualized enough to align with my busy schedule. I needn’t have worried! Sarah developed a plan that took into account my personal habits, my busy schedule and my exercise routine. If something wasn’t working, she taught me how to adjust the plan while keeping my long term goals in focus. She also provided regular feedback and support. I wanted a Read More
February 19, 2016
Tracey L.
When I heard Sarah speak at Peninsula Runners one Saturday morning… It clicked… I was running to eat… NOT eating to run! I was always trying to lose that last 5-10lbs and each year it gets harder! Even though I thought I ate healthy and nutritious I was not eating for optimal running performance and recovery. I had made it my goal to run the 2014 NYC marathon which would be my first marathon since 2009. I wanted to Read More
February 19, 2016
Natelle G.
My wife purchased the Eat 2 Run for You package for me as a gift so I really didn’t have any time for hesitation – I just jumped right in! The results followed shortly thereafter. First off, my confidence in running improved, especially as my stomach stopped twisting when I ate foods that assisted my running instead of hurt me. I was also able to do early morning runs again that my stomach problems had previously Read More
February 19, 2016
Tanya J.
Having gluten, dairy and egg intolerance and a tenancy to get angry or “hangry” when hungry, my biggest concern about nutritional coaching was that my diet would be even more restricted than it already is and that my caloric intake would be reduced to the point of consistent hunger. With my Eat 2 Run plan, it was nothing of the sort – I have eaten more meals with an abundance of flavor and have yet to Read More
February 19, 2016
Jennifer M.
I was lucky enough to first meet Sarah in my 5km Running Room clinic, where she was a guest speaker. I took some of the tips and tricks for runners she mentioned and tried them out for myself, such as eating more hemp hearts, tart cherry juice, and omega-3’s. This was enough to provide me with the confidence that Sarah would be great nutritional coach. So when I started training for my first half-marathon I knew I needed her by my Read More
February 19, 2016
Ryan W.
I decided to work with Sarah in order to give myself every advantage possible in running my first marathon. I had an audacious goal of breaking 3 hours, was training hard and wondered if sharpening my nutrition might help. I was also interested in trying the 10-day fat-loading / 3-day carb-loading strategy for race day performance. After meeting with Sarah, I implemented her suggestions. Overall I could feel my body sharpen up with the changes in my diet. Read More
February 19, 2016
Emy C.
After I attended one of Sarah’s workshop in the fall I know right away that I wanted to work with her on an one-on-one basis. I’ve long had a problem with cramping in my races. I found Sarah to be so full of knowledge – having somebody like this just a click away has been very beneficial in my running and overall health. The first thing I noticed was that my post-run recovery was really fast. Plus Read More
February 19, 2016
Catherine B.
“As an endurance runner, I was having a hard time finding foods that fuelled me while avoiding the foods that I am intolerant to. Sarah customized a meal plan for me that includes delicious meals and snacks, grocery lists, sample meal plans and more, all while incorporating my food intolerances and training schedule. The level of detail Sarah put into my plan was so much more than I expected. After following the plan for the past Read More
February 18, 2016
Barbara Ann K.
“I initially hesitated signing on for nutrition coaching because I wasn’t entirely sure what I was going to get for my money. However, by taking the “leap of faith” and trusting in Sarah I knew immediately after our initial consultation that she was definitely what I needed! She is so knowledgeable about food and she was able to take an analysis of my situation and design me my own personal meal plan. My energy levels have Read More
February 18, 2016
Kimberlee J.
I had heard about nutrition coaching before, but I was hesitant to start because I thought it would likely take a lot of time to eat the “ideal” way and I wondered if I’d be able to stick to it. I knew I had to make changes to my diet, though, because I kept getting sick over and over again. It was having such a negative impact on my running and my overall health that Read More
February 18, 2016
Catherine F.
I reached out to Sarah at the beginning of the training season for my second marathon (February 2014). I was primarily concerned with some unwanted weight gain and was focused on having her help me get to my racing weight in time for my 2nd marathon (May 2014). But as chance would have it, I was also experiencing some (sudden) hip pain and was in the process of trying to figure out if I was Read More
February 18, 2016
Chris C.
When I first came to see Sarah, I was low on energy and finding it hard to recovery after training sometimes. But mostly, I wanted to run energized! Once I received my personalized Eat 2 Run plan, I almost immediately noticed my energy improve (and, over a year later, I still feel so energized from eating this way).After our second follow-up, I was finally ready to give up my black tea habit and could not Read More
February 18, 2016
Pamela G.
When I first approached Sarah, I was struggling with serious fatigue after my workouts. I was only 5 weeks away from running the New York Marathon and getting worried. While initially the cost of hiring a nutritionist seemed high, honestly I knew that if it worked I’d get so much more from from revising my nutritional habits for years to come (not just for my marathon). As soon as I implemented my Eat 2 Run Read More
February 18, 2016
Jag B.
I met Sarah at a private workshop she put on for my run group. The information she presented was intriguing and informative. Plus, the smoothie and snacks she made for us were delicious! I was particularly keen on trying the “fat-loading” and “carb-loading” strategies for pre-race prep. My first marathon in 2002 had been quite a struggle and I’m guessing it was due to poor nutrition (as well as over-training), and while I’ve run better marathons since then, Read More
February 18, 2016
Suzanne M.
I was hesitant in the beginning to go with Eat 2 Run coaching because I felt that I could find the answers that I needed in a book or online. I tried a few of the recipes featured on the Eat 2 Run website, and loved them. I chose to go ahead with the coaching and meal plan not only so I would have a customised meal plan, but to have the support and mentorship from Read More
February 18, 2016
Jill B.
I decided to hire Sarah in March 2014 after one of her talks at my local Running Room. I was doing my second run training (5km) at the time and I wanted to improve my running and nutrition skills to run a half-marathon the following August. I had a really chaotic work schedule at the time and my week was far from having anything close to a routine, so I wasn’t sure if a coaching Read More
February 18, 2016
Hollie H.
I just wanted to say thank you to Sarah, for creating her Eat 2 Run blog, @eat2run instagram, @runfastersarah instagram, and for generally being really inspirational! Although I haven’t worked directly with her on my nutrition, I listened with great interest to one of her Running Room (West 4th) talks way back on a dark and cold February evening and have followed her brand through social media ever since. I undertook my first full marathon in May, coming in 3 Read More
February 18, 2016
Miranda G.
“I first met Sarah at a talk she gave at Lady Sport. Ever since then I’ve been following her nutrition advice, incorporating more nutrient dense and anti-inflammatory foods in my diet, and just generally being more aware of what I’m putting into my body, I’ve noticed quite a difference in my athletic abilities. After a few months of eating this way, I did the BC Ride to Conquer Cancer from Vancouver to Seattle, never riding more than Read More
February 18, 2016
Maggie M.
I first came to Sarah with problems with weight gain, bloating, bad muscle soreness after workouts, lack of energy during workouts & side effects from pre-menopausal hormonal changes. I thought I wasn’t doing too bad with my diet as a non red meat eater. Oh boy, was I ever wrong! I was eating & drinking all the wrong food. Well, Sarah worked her magic and customized a meal plan/diet that would change my life. I lost 15 lbs, no Read More
February 17, 2016
Satinder S.
I have been a poor eater for most of my adult life – often missing meals and not eating enough food (especially healthy food). I first heard about Sarah’s wonderful eat2run program when she spoke to our running clinic at Peninsula Runner in Spring 2013. At that time, I appreciated her comments about certain foods and their relationship with running, and also knew that I needed to change my habits to run better and injury Read More
February 17, 2016
Robin M.
“My New Years resolution for 2013 was to run a marathon — after only ever running one 10k previously. I’m in my fifties, so I guessed I would have to ramp up slowly. After having to walk the last half of a summer half marathon, and then having two running-related injuries that prevented me from training for over a month in the summer, I knew I needed help. What I really like about Sarah’s coaching Read More
February 17, 2016
Devon M.
As an avid, long-time runner, I signed up for a marathon clinic this past January for a new challenge that the half distance wasn’t giving me anymore, and to have a better experience than my last (and only other full) marathon in 2006, that rendered me injured for 9 weeks, slow and unmotivated to keep on running. I quickly set an ambitious goal of running a sub-4:00 time. However, as a person with a history Read More
February 17, 2016
Odette W.
I was introduced to Sarah a year ago by fellow runners. I’d heard wonderful things about her Eat2Run program and it took no convincing to sign me up. I was starting to train for what I hoped to be a PB marathon and I saw immediate results by following a personalized nutritional program that Sarah had developed for me. About 3 months into training, I developed a significant knee problem. In short time, I had Read More
February 17, 2016
Robert W.S.
“About a year ago, I got back into running after a hiatus of a couple of decades and it was hard to know where to start. After following a training program for a couple of months that I found online, I ran Vancouver’s Eastside 10K autumn of 2014 in 54:31 but didn’t really feel like I knew what I was doing. There is so much on the internet, but nothing compares to an individualized program put Read More
February 17, 2016
Tammy G.K.
I decided to connect with Sarah after seeing the incredible results my friend achieved through the Eat2Run program. I decided that 2013 was my year to get serious about running and strive to better my performance. With Sarah’s help, I have achieved a 10km PB, beating my time from 12 years ago. This gave me the confidence towards my ultimate goal this year of running a PB for my Half Marathon. Under Sarah’s guidance, I Read More
January 31, 2016
Tomoko N.
I have been running for about five years and for the last few races my calf cramped right after I crossed the finish line. It’s usually one leg but in the fall of 2013, when I ran the Surrey Half Marathon both my calves cramped and I fell on the ground. I achieved my PB that day but being wheeled into the medical tent was embarrassing. I was hiding my face and didn’t want anyone Read More
January 11, 2016
Lesley G.
I am 48 years old, been a runner for about 16 years and have suffered numerous injuries during that time. I really wanted to become a stronger, healthier, injury free runner and heard about Sarah through my run group, Penninsula Runners White Rock. I remember my first or second call with Sarah – I told her what I was looking for but more importantly the two things that I WOULD NOT give up – coffee Read More
January 10, 2016
LeeAnn O.
I was always active, but minor medical complications partway through my second pregnancy forced me to give up my workouts. And I had been giving in to pregnancy cravings (Dairy Queen!). By the time my son was born, I didn’t fit into any of my clothes, and I made a promise to myself that while I was on maternity leave that I would become healthier and get back into shape. Determined to lose all of Read More
January 9, 2016
Marg C.
On July 15, 2014, I was one of the lucky ones. I put in my registration for the Big Sur Marathon and I got in! Hurray! My alarm clock, my laptop, and Fate were all on my side. That evening as I ran with my running group, I began to feel that I needed more allies on my side. I was running hard and I was running long, but I found myself constantly tired. I Read More
January 9, 2016
Julie M.
“Before I started meeting with Sarah, I had been unable to run for over 7 months due to a knee injury. Within a month, I was back on the road training. Through her coaching, encouragement and customized nutritional plan, I was able to avoid inflammatory foods and focus on eating to help heal my injury. I never made the connection between the impact food could have on healing injuries before meeting Sarah—now I keep her list Read More
January 8, 2016
Evan O.
“We’ve all heard the saying about how insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. Well, I used to think I knew everything I needed to know about healthy eating. I used to think I knew everything I needed to know about running and fitness, too. And yet, as someone who had been active and outdoors-y most my life, had run Chicago in under 4 hours to celebrate Read More
January 7, 2016
Suzanne H.
“Sarah is quite simply a brilliant coach. Running a 10k race has been on my bucket list for several years now, but year after year I kept getting older, with a ‘consistently sporadic’ running practice, and was no closer to accomplishing my goals. Finally I began working with Sarah – and everything shifted. Her expert nutritional advice, tailored training plans and steady encouragement and feedback made a massive difference, despite my heavy travel schedule. Since Read More
January 6, 2016
Sarah D.
“I can’t say enough about the positive impact of Sarah J Cuff’s coaching. I started out frustrated by early injuries and unsure of how to grow as a runner. After two months I already have a nice big bag of tools to help me train safely, support my body, and reach my goals. Having a monitored training plan designed by Sarah has kept me accountable to my goals, while also safely pushing my body to Read More
January 5, 2016
Heather C.
As I was preparing for the London marathon, I decided to try Sarah’s 14-day fat-load/carb-load protocol she had been talking a lot about on the Eat 2 Run blog. With hopes this method would work as well for me as well as it had for others I’d read about, I took it on. I actually found it quite easy to adhere to and had no other cravings! It worked perfectly since I was travelling on the Thursday before the Read More
January 4, 2016
Carmella S.
Carmella attended the Eat 2 Run Nutrition for Runners Workshop October 4, 2014 – this is her story of what she experienced once putting what she learned into action: I just ran my very first half marathon – Rock ‘n’ Roll Vancouver Inaugural – and I’m still buzzing with disbelief that I ran it injury free and ready for more! I nailed it in 2:19:07! Absolutely not expecting that time as I was anticipating a 3hr finish! Read More
February 20, 2015
Christine P.
I thought I knew it all. I wasn’t sure I would learn anything that I already didn’t know. I thought that I had a good handle on nutrition and how to eat properly and anything else I needed I could find by reading an article in a magazine. I was wrong!! Just seeing Sarah talk once showed me how much more I had to learn and how wrong I had been. Sarah designed a plan Read More
January 2, 2015
Gabi L.
Initially I was hesitant to work with Sarah due to cost – if only because of my age (just finishing high school), investing this much into a nutrition program felt odd. But it was well worth it in the end. My energy levels and productivity increased since putting Sarah’s recommendations for me into action, which was important to me given my educational goals. I also noticed improvements in my skin, digestion and overall physical health. Read More
January 1, 2015
Alisa D.
“When I started working with Sarah I wanted more energy. I also wanted to run my first marathon without hitting the wall. In previous half-marathons, I often hit a wall where I’d have to tell myself, ‘If I just run to the next corner then I can walk for a bit’ – I’d feel empty. I wanted the energy to complete the entire marathon without feeling empty. After starting Sarah’s program I definitely noticed that, Read More
December 26, 2014
Olivier J-E H.
“It was such a pleasure to work with Sarah. She is very meticulous in her preparation – she took the time to assess my needs and targets, helped me to plan how to best fuel my trainings with appropriate nutrition and set me up with a program on how to fuel myself during my Ironman 70.3 Florida. I learned lots of new tricks and ways to get the best out of my body. Her positive energy is communicative and makes it all Read More
December 26, 2014
Carey N.
“Over the past 2 years I’ve added healthier food to my diet after listening to Sarah’s Eat 2 Run nutritional tips, which is important as a vegetarian runner. Recently Sarah prepared an Eat 2 Run nutritional program & diet analysis for me and suggested ways I might fine tune my diet for better running performance. Her recommendations helped me finish the Boston Marathon. I needed a better diet and it helped as I had little time to Read More
December 8, 2014
Wendy L.
I thought I was a healthy eater and had a good handle on nutrition so I didn’t know if it would be worth it to work with a nutrition coach. However, I wanted to lose some weight but didn’t now how to do that while properly fueling my body while training for two half marathon races. Sarah came to speak to our running group, and her energy and enthusiam convinced me to sign up. I Read More
December 3, 2014
Robyn P.
“I have been quite active for most of my life, but really fell in love with running in 2009. I decided in January of 2009, I would run my first full marathon in May. It went really well, and even qualified for Boston in my following race in October. A couple of weeks before I was set to run Boston, I landed up fracturing my hip and breaking it in the race. I continued to Read More
Robyn Penner Victoria, BC December 1, 2014
Trevor M.
My running has become stronger, not only in the distance I can run and the speed I can maintain but I also recover far more quickly. Plus, my energy level has never higher. In terms of my health, dropping dairy from my diet was the best thing I’ve ever done – believe it or not this one small change lead to losing an inch off of my neck! Having my own Eat 2 Run nutritional plan definitely led to amazing results in Read More
November 26, 2014
Gail C.
“Sarah provided me with great pointers, recipes and guidelines which successfully put me on the path to eating like an athlete. I’ve learned so much and am having great fun integrating my new knowledge and these new ingredients into my diet!” GAIL CHUNG, Vancouver BC
October 26, 2014