I have been running for about five years and for the last few races my calf cramped right after I crossed the finish line. It’s usually one leg but in the fall of 2013, when I ran the Surrey Half Marathon both my calves cramped and I fell on the ground. I achieved my PB that day but being wheeled into the medical tent was embarrassing. I was hiding my face and didn’t want anyone to see me. My legs were sore for a week after the race.
I first heard about Sarah through Peninsula Runners in White Rock where I am currently training. Expert runners were talking about how she helped them with their nutrition and it made a huge difference in their running performance. I contacted Sarah and asked her if she can help me with the calf cramping issue. I had already registered for BMO Vancouver Half Marathon at that time and I was so afraid that my calves would cramp again. She told me that it may be alleviated through eating the right food. I thought I was not getting hydration but Sarah explained to me that certain foods can help hydrate my body. She asked what I like to eat, don’t like and tailored meal plans that were easy to prepare. I worked with her for the next 4 months through once a month Skype and email correspondence. I asked her many questions and she always got back to me with answers and a detailed explanation.
I was eating well and training was going great but unfortunately I succumbed to a bad virus going around during my peak training. I could not run for five weeks due to bronchitis followed by a sinus infection. I was upset and disappointed and thought I would not be able to run the race. When I spoke to Sarah she encouraged me and worked with me to boost my immune system and energy levels so that I could still be at the start line and complete the race.
Race day I did what I could. And in the end, I met my goal of finishing the race without a calf cramp but rather a big smile on my face!
Nutrition and long distance running definitely work together. I feel confident now that I can conquer any race without worrying about pain. I’m ready for the next race. Thanks again Sarah for all your support and guidance. Most appreciated.
Tomoko Nishimatsu, Surrey BC