Jennifer B.

sarah cuff

February 19, 2016

JenI contacted Sarah in July as I was feeling exhausted and my running was suffering. I have run many marathons, and my body typically loves the long-runs, but I was having to stop several kilometres into my run due to being so tired. I had fallen into some bad habits with my diet: lots of treats in the form of baked goods and ice cream. I figured the running would burn off the extra calories.

Sarah taught me about the negative effects my “treats” were having on my body, and reset my diet by eliminating dairy and gluten, and increasing fruit, veg, lean protein and highly nutritious whole foods. I felt the improvement in my running almost immediately! Within two weeks of Sarah’s program, my long runs were enjoyable again, and I had lost 2 pounds. Over the next 8 weeks I continued to feel amazing in my runs, not a single “bonk”, and I dropped another 4 pounds.

I LOVE the foods that Sarah includes in her Eat2Run program. The recipes are so easy to incorporate into daily routines, and delicious. I was able to quickly bake up a couple of her carbo-loading muffins and cookies to take with me to Chicago for my recent marathon, and it felt wonderful to have healthy options easily available when away for a marathon.

I attribute Sarah, and her Eat2Run program, for putting the happy back into my running. I highly recommend this program for runners of all ages and stages!! Thank you Sarah!

-Jennifer Black, Whistler BC
