Initially I wasn’t sure I wanted to spend the money on hiring Sarah as I thought I was eating fairly healthy already. But I’m sure glad I did because boy was I wrong!
Sarah came up with an easy daily menu for me which I could easily incorporate into my life. My family also loves some of the recipes therefore I don’t have to cook separate meals. I feel so much better! Additionally, my husband’s health has noticeably improved – his cholesterol has also gone down.
When I signed up with Sarah I was struggling with a calf strain and my hopes of running London 2019 were fading fast. I believe it was through Sarah’s careful help with choosing the food and supplements that worked best for me, that I crossed the finish line feeling great and pain free. My family was there at the finish line and it was a wonderful moment for me. I could see my family was impressed with all the hard work and dedication it took to get there. Really couldn’t have done it without Sarah’s help.
I would definitely recommend Sarah’s services to anyone who has been struggling with running injuries on and off and feeling low energy. Before, even though I was running lots, I wasn’t feeling great about myself. I just couldn’t figure out why – and she was able to point out the reasons. It was a total lifestyle change for me. Overall I feel great as I’m sleeping better and have better recovery from my runs! And as I go forward, I feel and look great.
Christine Pahal, Vancouver BC
(winter 2019 to spring 2019 – nutrition coaching client)