As a holistic sports nutritionist who first and foremost seeks (both personally and professionally for clients) to get all nutrients required from whole foods, let me be clear in stating I don’t believe most athletes NEED a protein powder. However protein powder can definitely make life a lot easier when it comes to successfully meeting ones daily protein requirement. That said, integrating …
Wheying the Benefits: The Pros & Cons of Whey Protein
When I was 25 I decided to go vegan. Yep… No meat, no dairy, no eggs… And no whey protein powder. I built my wedding day bikini body on that diet. When I was 25 and a half, my coach at the time figured I needed more protein. Knowing I was vegan, he figured the easiest way to slide anything …
Chocolate Milk for Post-Run Recovery?
I’ve had a number of clients ask me about the benefits of chocolate milk as a recovery drink, a beverage many runners enjoy the convenience of post-run. In fact, it’s a popular choice to be found at the finish line of many races. Does chocolate milk live up to it’s hype? Let’s take a look. But first, what we should …