Have you ever had to dash to the nearest washroom or porta-potty mid-run (or worse yet, mid-race)? If so, I um… I understand. Been there done that (and it’s a terrible place to be). But I know I’m not alone in having suffered these inconveniences. In working with so many runners, I see this issue show up about 20% of …
How to Run a BQ Marathon
There was a time not all too long ago, that had you told (little old) me I would be planning a trip to Boston to run the marathon – not as a spectator mind you, but as a PARTICIPANT -I’d likely have laughed out loud and told you you’d lost your mind. I ran my first full marathon in 2006 and …
How to Fuel Your Big Race (Carb-Loading 101)
One of the most common questions I get is how to eat before a big race. Specifically, should I be ‘carb-loading’ the week before a race (and what does that really even mean)? What to eat the night before? The morning of? Does that mean I can eat more cookies? More oat bars?!! Carb-loading is essentially the practice of eating enough …
3 Tips on Fuelling Your Run
Have you ever asked yourself if you should be taking energy gels or using electrolyte or energy drinks? Wondered what kind or how often? Figuring out whether or not to fuel while running, what to take and when to take it can be confusing. I’ve run full marathons on Powerade only, or taking nothing until I bonked, and also gel …