How to Heal (from chronic or acute injury)

sarah cuff Avoiding Injury, Heal Injury, Run Recovery 5 Comments

When I first began working with clients years ago, it didn’t take long until I realized one of the most common requests I would forevermore be receiving (along with desire for energy and performance) was help to overcome various injuries. Most runners appear to believe that injury is part of the game – if you run, you will get injured …

Lessons Learned from (my time as) an Injured Runner

kinseygomez Avoiding Injury, Training

Injuries suck. I think every runner and athlete can agree with this sentiment. Whether an injury pops up mid-season, pre-season, or off-season, it can put the brakes on all the hard work you’ve put towards achieving your goals. I know because I’ve been there. But I’ve also come out the other side and am now 100% healthy and injury-free! Although …