Seven years ago I found my way from marathons into ultras. A couple years later I wrote a post on How to Fuel an Ultra. Now 5 years later with extensive additional personal and client hands on experience, I have more to add. Plus I find it rather data and numbers driven – a good place to start, but often …
Fueling Easy Runs vs Hard / Long Runs
While traditional advice for runners has long been to eat ~60-65% of your diet from carbohydrates, after working 1-on-1 with hundreds of runners and hearing from thousands over the past decade, I do not believe this often recommended high-carb advice serves the majority of runners. To maintain our health and prevent injury over the years, as well as ensure optimal …
Metabolic Efficiency: How to Get There
Improving Metabolic Efficiency Series (PART 2) In my last post, part 1 of this series Metabolic Efficiency: Why You Should Care, I talked about what metabolic efficiency is, its benefits, how it’s related to our metabolism and how our body makes energy. Personally I’ve used metabolic efficiency to help me achieve my goals and perform well many times over – …
Fighting Rapids: My Journey Through a Running Injury
I contemplated quite a bit about how to begin this blog post. Speaking about injuries can be a sensitive subject for many runners, myself included. So, I decided to set for a long run a few weekends ago, and let my thoughts come to me organically. I was running along a beautiful river, here in Colorado, and noticed the movement …
How to Run a BQ Marathon
There was a time not all too long ago, that had you told (little old) me I would be planning a trip to Boston to run the marathon – not as a spectator mind you, but as a PARTICIPANT -I’d likely have laughed out loud and told you you’d lost your mind. I ran my first full marathon in 2006 and …
5 Post-Race Recovery Strategies
I ran the Vancouver BMO marathon a few weekends ago. After months and months and miles upon miles of training, race day finally rolled around. I ran my heart out for what felt like EVER and finally crossed the finish line in 3 hours, 35 minutes and 7 seconds, arms over my head in celebration (unfortunately I did not achieve my sub-3:30 goal …
Quick Tips: Fast Breakfast Ideas for Busy Runners
Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A healthy, balanced breakfast can set you up to have an energetic, productive day, while an unhealthy one can lead to sugar cravings, fatigue, and unproductiveness. Clearly, the healthy, nutritionally packed breakfast is the way to go! Whether you are rushing out the door or spending some quality …
Can Medium-Chain Triglycerides Improve Performance?
As a dedicated marathon runner always chasing down a new PB / PR, I’m all over ergogenic aids and using food strategically to enhance my performance. For example, using caffeine and beet juice have turned out to be quite advantageous to my race results. So when I began my latest round of fat-loading (also a strategy that’s benefited my performance in the past), where I …
What Runners Eat: Making it Quick ‘n’ Easy
Eat 2 Run Ambassador Brandon Figueroa gives us an inside look into how he fuels his high performance running: Welcome to my daily routine! Where I share with you my morning, afternoon and nightly routines – everything from eating, running, training and relaxing (all the important stuff!). I’m not much of an early riser as I’ll admit I like to stay up …
What to Eat on Race Morning
It’s race morning. What should you eat? Oatmeal? Toast? Bagel? Banana? Eggs and bacon? Nothing? A 2014 review of pre-exercise nutrition studies conducted over that past 50 years concluded that eating carb-rich foods prior to endurance exercise appears to enhance performance (more so than protein-rich or fat-rich foods). Eating a high carbohydrate meal in the hours before your race maximizes glycogen stores, both …
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