While acute amounts of cortisol from complimentary stress can be beneficial, elevated or chronically high cortisol is not a runners friend. For support in finding lasting energy, that’s low stress on the body, and entirely plant based, try this recipe for our “Bonk Proof” coffee… This recipe was inspired by my desire to reduce my total caffeine intake, and nourish my …
Run Faster with Caffeine
It was nearly one year ago, last April, that I did something you are NOT supposed to do on race day. I tried something that morning I’d never done before – I drank a short Starbucks Americano about 90 minutes before the gun was to go off (on top of the matcha I’d had about 30 minutes prior to that. Lucky for me it …
Banish Injuries for Good
When I began eating to run, I quickly realized that injures no longer sidelined me. In fact, the one time something flared up just over a year ago, it was very much connected to the fact that for a few months I’d pretty much abandoned many of my healthful eating practices (happens to the best of us?). Other than that, …
Your ONE Nutritional Strategy for a Strong & Healthy Heart
When I was nineteen I worked in a florist shop and in the days leading up to Valentines Day, spent many hours de-thorning roses. Making beautiful red rose bouquets for lovers to present to their loves. That’s what Valentine’s Day was about in my mind at that time, all red roses… And chocolate of course. I know there are still …
3 Reasons to Consider a Glutamine Supplement
Glutamine. Have you heard of it? Do you use it? It’s a nutritional supplement – specifically, an amino acid that some athletes use to recover more quickly after workouts and to prevent getting sick. I’ve used it in the past regularly. These days I use it strategically and sparingly. How do you know whether or not to supplement with glutamine? Let’s look …
Top 4 Breakfasts to Fuel your Running
(updated April 2018) In order to have good energy to complete a strong run, you need to eat breakfast 1 to 4 hours before heading out the door for a morning run. And even if you’re not going for a morning run (maybe you’re running later in the day), research shows that people who eat breakfast are leaner and healthier …