Run Faster: Top 8 Ergogenic Aids

sarah cuff Ergogenic Aids, Running Performance 3 Comments

It takes many things coming together well in order to ‘run faster’ and I’m adamant that building a stronger, healthier body is the first step to doing so. However, for those who are healthy, well-trained and looking for that cutting edge, there are a few key ergogenic aids (in this case, nutritional strategies known to enhance athletic performance) that will …

Boosting Performance with Beets

sarah cuff Food for Runners, Running Performance, Vegetables 8 Comments

I’m racing the Steveston 8km Ice Breaker Road Race this Sunday. And I’m going to try something new. Beetroot juice. Although I can’t believe I personally have not yet tried this particular ergogenic aid – it’s entirely true. I have not. However I’ve had a number of clients and workshop participants who have given beetroot juice a go, and tell me it really …