3 Strategies for Healthier Joints

sarah cuff Run Faster, Run Stronger, Running Performance, Superfoods for Runners, Supplements, Training 1 Comment

It’s quite possible one of the most common complaints I hear from runners, other than sore muscles and fatigue, is connected to joint pain of some sort. Runners Knee, a term coined for patellofemoral pain syndrome displaying as a dull pain behind/around the kneecap, is the most common issue suffered by runners. But there are plenty of other areas where things go awry …

Banish Injuries for Good

sarah cuff Food for Runners, Run Recovery Leave a Comment

When I began eating to run, I quickly realized that injures no longer sidelined me. In fact, the one time something flared up just over a year ago, it was very much connected to the fact that for a few months I’d pretty much abandoned many of my healthful eating practices (happens to the best of us?). Other than that, …