When I first began working with clients years ago, it didn’t take long until I realized one of the most common requests I would forevermore be receiving (along with desire for energy and performance) was help to overcome various injuries. Most runners appear to believe that injury is part of the game – if you run, you will get injured …
Speed Healing and Prevent Injury
A few weeks ago, I went out for my run only to realize after a kilometre or so that I needed to turn around and go back home. I wasn’t sick or injured. Just tired. Really, really tired. Burning the candle at both ends made me re-realize the importance of sleep. At that moment I actually wished for an injury – …
Banish Injuries for Good
When I began eating to run, I quickly realized that injures no longer sidelined me. In fact, the one time something flared up just over a year ago, it was very much connected to the fact that for a few months I’d pretty much abandoned many of my healthful eating practices (happens to the best of us?). Other than that, …