Ambassador Snapshot: Brandon Figueroa

brandonfigz19 Running Performance, Training Leave a Comment

Born and raised on the beautiful west coast, I’ve always been a very athletic and “sporty” person. At a very young age I feel deeply In love with running and it’s been my main focus ever since. I joined the track and field team for my school and local track club, training under former Olympian Lynn Kanuka. Track was my life and …

STOP Muscle Cramping

sarah cuff Training, Vitamins & Minerals 3 Comments

I’ve now worked with quite a number of clients now who came to me with one of their main goals being to not cramp so badly while racing (both half-marathoners and full marathoners). One of my runners, Tomoko, had both calves cramp up on her so badly she actually fell to the ground and had to be wheeled to the medical tent. …

Preparing to Race: The Importance of Carb-Loading

sarah cuff Carb-Loading for Runners, Food for Runners, Training Leave a Comment

Today I began a 3-day carb-loading protocol (also known as carbo loading, or more formally as CHO-loading). I’m doing this because carb-loading has been shown to enhance endurance and the performance of prolonged exercise events (Clinical Sports Nutrition, L. Burke, 2010). And I’m attempting to do it with 100% accuracy because supposedly many runners don’t get it right. Keep in mind that carb-loading is considered …

The One Superfood to Avoid on Race Night

sarah cuff Food for Runners, Training 5 Comments

Before I cut to the chase, let me offer an important disclaimer: each runner is different, with a unique digestive system and different ability to handle certain foods before key workouts and races. But in general, I’ve made one startling discovery that may surprise you (especially coming from me): Don’t eat kale the night before your big race. Really, what …

The Key to Reaching Your Optimal Body Composition (plus 3 tips on how to get there)

sarah cuff Food for Runners, Training 1 Comment

We know reaching our optimal body composition helps us perform better as runners. We know it’s good for our health. But sometimes it really feels impossible to get there. That being said, I can actually sum up in one word what the “secret” is to losing excess bodyfat, flattening your stomach and reaching your optimal body composition. Ready for it? …

7 Foods to Beat Seasonal Allergies

sarah cuff Food for Runners, Training 1 Comment

For those of you dealing with seasonal allergies, you know that stuffy noses and watery eyes aren’t just annoying – they can also dampen your enthusiasm to get outside for a run. Additionally, allergies can often make you tired during the day, caused in part by blocked nasal passages that disrupt good sleep. If pollen and airborne mold spores trigger seasonal allergies for you …

Running Carb-Depleted

sarah cuff Carb-Loading for Runners, Nutrient Timing, Training 6 Comments

In my Eat 2 Run nutrition practice I am constantly stressing the importance eating enough carbohydrates to order to have enough energy to perform well. However, withholding carbohydrates strategically at certain times can actually benefit your performance. By practicing carb-depleted training runs, you might very well take your training and race performances to the next level. Let’s take a look at why anyone would …