In part 1 of this Most Inflammatory Foods series, I covered processed oils. In part 2 here, I will cover alcohol – admittedly not a ‘food’ but it does contain calories. The body can make some limited energy from these calories but they are empty – that is, there is no nutritional value found in them and the processing of …
How to Fuel Your Race: race day nutrition
In any event that lasts longer than 90 minutes, we greatly increase our chances of optimal performance by paying close attention to filling and replenishing our glycogen stores, adequate hydration and maintenance of electrolyte balance, and utilization of appropriate ergogenic aids. This means planning our menu both in the days prior to race day, and importantly, for race day itself. …
Metabolic Efficiency: How to Get There
Improving Metabolic Efficiency Series (PART 2) In my last post, part 1 of this series Metabolic Efficiency: Why You Should Care, I talked about what metabolic efficiency is, its benefits, how it’s related to our metabolism and how our body makes energy. Personally I’ve used metabolic efficiency to help me achieve my goals and perform well many times over – …
Metabolic Efficiency: Why You Should Care
Improving Metabolic Efficiency Series (PART 1) I began talking about the importance of metabolic efficiency more than 5 years ago (back in 2017). At the time I held a number of workshops on the topic and planned to offer an online course that went into detail on how to become more metabolically efficient. Over the next few years, I went …
My Body Fat Story
Note, I’ve retitled and edited this post as of October 2019 to reflect the fact this article was written not so much to educate others on what to do but as more of my personal journey. Updates are in italics. After taking a hiatus from this blog for just over half a year to educate myself, and re-evaluate my mission …
How to Fuel an Ultra
For any runner who aspires to run an ultra marathon (which is technically anything longer than the marathon distance) and for those of you who currently do tackle ultras, you’ll either have an idea or have personally experienced how daunting fuelling the longer distances properly can be. I’ve now run a half dozen 50k’s and 50 milers along with 2 …
5 Reasons to Become more Metabolically Efficient
After a good half-year of struggling with energy, performance and weight gain, I decided to try something – a solution to my woes if you will – that isn’t readily taught in traditional sports nutrition. As a result it helped me to bounce back from months of lacklustre performance and rather extreme fatigue. Plus those extra pounds that had been slowly …
Cramp Prevention and Treatment for Runners
When I ran the Hamster 24-hour run last year I remember coming through home base, having just completed something like my 7th or 8th 5km loop, and seeing a fellow runner keeled over from terrible leg cramping. She was in obvious agony – her calves and quads had seized so badly she could barely get up from the chair someone …
6 Reasons Why Chocolate Rocks
It’s no secret – I love chocolate! It’s one of the Eat2Run top five “superfoods” and in fact, I’ve written about chocolate before – in this 2014 blogpost I outline the difference between cacao and cocoa, and why we want to reach for dark chocolate. Here today, I want to dive deep into exactly WHY chocolate (dark unprocessed chocolate and …
3 Key Stress Busting Supplements
Yes today I’m talking supplements! I know, I know – I usually talk whole food only. For good reason – supplements are not nearly as effective when we’re not also eating well. So please know I’m trusting you have the intention of (or already are) nourishing yourself with nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory food – and simply wish to support your body under the stress …
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