There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that cognitive sports training can also play a role in sports performance enhancement. Cognitive sports training encompasses a broad range of mental tasks designed to improve various aspects of athletic performance. We’ve all had those moments when you didn’t think you could run one more step or lift one more rep but somehow you almost always area able to do so. So much of our sport performance is psychological, so it makes sense to support that aspect of your training as well.
Fighting Rapids: My Journey Through a Running Injury
I contemplated quite a bit about how to begin this blog post. Speaking about injuries can be a sensitive subject for many runners, myself included. So, I decided to set for a long run a few weekends ago, and let my thoughts come to me organically. I was running along a beautiful river, here in Colorado, and noticed the movement …
5 Reasons You NEED Tart Cherries
Tart cherry juice is something I drink pretty much every single day – and definitely everyday when in hardcore training mode. Why? For one, because I know it helps me to recover so much faster. I have no doubt its anti-inflammatory effects have allowed me to get back out there running and feeling great the very next day after a …
5 Ways to Avoid (or Combat) High Blood Pressure
Hypertension – the medial term for high blood pressure – affects 70 million American adults (per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). That’s 1 in 3 adults in the United States currently suffering from high blood pressure. In Canada (per Hypertension Canada) 7.5 million Canadian adults (1 in 5) suffer from this ‘silent killer’. In Australia (per the Heart Foundation), 4.6 million Australian adults (1 …
Culinary Exploration: Herbs and Spices for Endurance Athletes
One of the easiest ways to transform your kitchen into a playground is to experiment with fresh and dried herbs and spices. Don’t dismiss these flavour additions as merely for taste, they are actually powerful performance aids! Aside from performance benefits, I also advocate the use of fresh and dried spices and herbs to flavour and season meals as a …
Top 5 Seeds You Want to be Eating
I love my nuts and seeds. As someone who relies on a plant-strong diet, they provide protein and nutrients required for strong running and quick recovery. I realize there are people (I see them on a regular basis) who have allergies and sensitivities to various nuts and seeds. We work around them or find alternatives. But for those of you …
Why Runners Need ACES
If your first question is “What the heck are ACES???”… Let me just say, good question! No, I’m not referring to the ace of spades, commonly seen as the highest card in a deck of playing cards. ACES is a cute acronym to remember the top antioxidant nutrients required for a strong and healthy immune system: vitamin’s A, C and E …
Why Hippie Dust Benefits Runners
One ingredient I use frequently is hippie dust. What… You haven’t heard of it? Or maybe you’ve heard of it by another name. How about nooch? Red star yeast? Savoury yeast? Or how about its official name – nutritional yeast? But then again, it’s quite possible you haven’t yet heard of it at all! It appears many people haven’t heard of …