How to Use Nutrition to Manage Stress

Tanya Jones Digestive Health, Endurance Sport, Food for Runners, Gut Health, Nutrient Timing, Nutrition Tips, Omega-3s, Performance, Running Performance, Stress Management, Training, Vitamins & Minerals Leave a Comment

I feel like we have all had an experience or two where you’re out there having a great ride or run and suddenly, you’re out of energy, or feeling crampy and nauseous or in a worst-case scenario looking desperately for somewhere to go the bathroom wishing you had a roll of toilet paper in your pocket.
Fear of these scenarios happening can lead us to limiting how much we eat pre-workout as well as not taking in enough nutrition during our training sessions or race. This is so unfortunate because we know we need to nourish our bodies for the workout that we are doing but even more importantly to support our recovery so we can make the adaptations we are working so hard for as well as set ourselves up well for our next workout.

Training Your Gut for Athletic Performance

Tanya Jones Digestive Health, Endurance Sport, Food for Runners, Gut Health, Nutrient Timing, Nutrition Tips, Performance, Running Performance, Training 3 Comments

I feel like we have all had an experience or two where you’re out there having a great ride or run and suddenly, you’re out of energy, or feeling crampy and nauseous or in a worst-case scenario looking desperately for somewhere to go the bathroom wishing you had a roll of toilet paper in your pocket.
Fear of these scenarios happening can lead us to limiting how much we eat pre-workout as well as not taking in enough nutrition during our training sessions or race. This is so unfortunate because we know we need to nourish our bodies for the workout that we are doing but even more importantly to support our recovery so we can make the adaptations we are working so hard for as well as set ourselves up well for our next workout.

Metabolic Efficiency: How to Get There

sarah cuff Digestive Health, Endurance Sport, Gut Health, Heart Health, Performance, Run Faster, Run Stronger, Running Performance, Training, weight loss Leave a Comment

Improving Metabolic Efficiency Series (PART 2) In my last post, part 1 of this series Metabolic Efficiency: Why You Should Care, I talked about what metabolic efficiency is, its benefits, how it’s related to our metabolism and how our body makes energy. Personally I’ve used metabolic efficiency to help me achieve my goals and perform well many times over – …

Metabolic Efficiency: Why You Should Care

sarah cuff Digestive Health, Gut Health, Heart Health, Performance, Run Faster, Run Stronger, Running Performance, Training Leave a Comment

Improving Metabolic Efficiency Series (PART 1) I began talking about the importance of metabolic efficiency more than 5 years ago (back in 2017). At the time I held a number of workshops on the topic and planned to offer an online course that went into detail on how to become more metabolically efficient. Over the next few years, I went …

The Gut Biome and Sport Performance

Tanya Jones Digestive Health, Food for Runners Leave a Comment

We know that how you train and nourish your body plays a huge part in how well you adapt and ultimately perform. But did you know that those factors also affect your gut microbiome, and why should we worry about that? Well, your gut microbiome influences sleep, mood, body composition, absorption of nutrients, inflammation, our immune system and so much more. You work really hard during training and want to make advantageous adaptions to improve sport performance, and supporting your microbiome is an integral part of that.