I’ve long been a fan of coffee… In fact I’ve definitely had a caffeine addiction in the past. However, I ditched the stuff completely when training for my BMO marathon where I took nearly 25 minutes off my previous time and qualified for Boston. Coffee – does it help or hinder our performance? Should we keep it or kick it? …
Kidney Beans Build Stronger Runners
In working with runners one of the biggest concerns I’ve bumped into over and over again (other than injuries!!) is anemia – or low iron levels. In spending a lot of time analyzing, researching and trying to get to the bottom of this widespread problem, I’ve added to my own diet a lot of foods that are good sources of …
Welcome to Eat 2 Run!
Hello world, hello runners, hello everyone who is looking to improve their running performance and hello to you who wants to transform yourself into the best that you can be! Let me tell you how eating to run can help you to achieve your PB’s (personal bests), your BQ (Boston Qualifier), and healthier, leaner, stronger running bodies. For years I …