I was asked recently, “What’s up with all the hoopla was over grains – you know, the Paleo way?” The person asking had slowly transitioned over to a primarily vegetarian way of eating because it felt best to her. To hear she should possibly stop eating something that comprised a majority of her diet (not to mention begin eating something …
Fats & Oils to Run From
There are foods we want to eat… And stuff we really need to run away from (good thing we’re good at running, ha). Last week I loaded you up with all the wonderful fats we should be partaking from and the week before that I dished up benefits of coconut oil. This week, to wrap up my 3-part fats & …
Fats & Oils: Fat as Running Fuel
Last week, in part 1 of this 3-part Fats & Oils series, I wrote on why we absolutely need fat in our diets and specifically honed in on the benefits of coconut oil. However coconut oil is certainly not the “only” or “best” fat we should be eating. In fact, while it continues to gain popularity, it is still a processed product …
Fats & Oils: Coconut Oil
There is no doubt that we must eat fat. We need fat in order to absorb certain micro-nutrients (for example, the vitamin A in carrots is only absorbed if eaten with a fat source, such as hummus). Fats supply building blocks for hormones. We need fat for healthy skin, hair and nails. Fat is a vital component of our cell …
Do Runners Need Probiotics?
Probiotics are all the rage right now. I see their popularity continue to grow daily as articles and studies hot off the press praise this latest miracle supplement on the market. Recently, a 2012 study looked at probiotics and athletes and concluded that probiotics offer promising benefits. Is it true? Could you, as a runner, benefit from probiotics? Let’s take a look at …
Recover Faster: Top 5 Anti-Inflammatory Foods
Inflammation is our bodies response to injury and to intense exercise that causes micro-tears to our muscles. While we strive to avoid injury, the micro-tears we sustain from hard workouts – such as tempo runs, intervals or long runs – ultimately help us to grow stronger. Inflammation therefore is beneficial because it helps to heal these micro-tears quickly. The problem …
Chocolate Milk for Post-Run Recovery?
I’ve had a number of clients ask me about the benefits of chocolate milk as a recovery drink, a beverage many runners enjoy the convenience of post-run. In fact, it’s a popular choice to be found at the finish line of many races. Does chocolate milk live up to it’s hype? Let’s take a look. But first, what we should …
Need a Detox?
Three Ways to Kickstart your 2013 Running Performance As we approach a new year and particularly after a few weeks of indulging, we may feel the need to detoxify our bodies in hopes of uncovering a lighter and leaner running body. As runners, we can’t follow a traditional cleanse or detox program because just drinking veggie juice is not going …
Tis the Season to… Run or Eat Chocolate?
The Health Benefits of Chocolate During the holiday season we can find ourselves bombarded with chocolate. It’s at the office, we receive it as gifts, we find it at parties. At a holiday luncheon last week I was presented with a scrumptious dark chocolate terrine after the main course. So what’s the deal with chocolate? Will it slow us down in our running? …
How to Start your Day
How do you start your day? How should you start your day?!! I worked with a client whose main goal was to improve overall energy levels but he also wanted to lose weight. We decided to work together and set a date for the initial consultation in about a week’s time. But then he asked me if there was anything …